Newsletters Support

Here’s How We Work:

Taking stock: We start with a freebie -- a no-cost 15-minute-ish conversation about your institution and how an e-newsletter can best support your mission. Who are your stakeholders? What kind of contact list(s) do you already have? What staffing is available to produce your e-newsletters? We’ll give you information, insights and direction and that might be all you need. And did we mention this is free?

Getting Started: If you need more help, we work with you to get your first e-newsletter published. That includes training your lead person (or team), establishing a content-creation process, helping with design and so on. Our fee will vary but is always reasonable (and negotiable) and our goal is for you to have a great system in place when that first edition is sent out.

Support: We always subscribe to e-newsletters that we help launch (just to see how you do) but also offer an annual support plan. Again, the fee is reasonable/negotiable and it gives you 24/7/365 access for whatever you need. In addition to troubleshooting we offer advanced training, professional development and periodic critiques with constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement.

Need To Freshen Up?

Our makeover has three dimensions. Making your newsletter look better is the easy part but can make a big difference. We also work with you to improve your content, a process that includes assessing how (and whether) you take advantage of your staff and stakeholders for contributions and information. And we analyze your system (for example, are you using A/B testing?) and teach you how to analyze data that your platform is generating for you.

Looks Matter: We subscribe to dozens of e-newsletters and see some that are beautifully designed and organized. But many are not. Our makeover includes assistance in creating a sharp new newsletter that repackages your current content (although we sometimes work in pieces and details that we cull from your website or social media platforms).

Content Creation: Most small institutions have one person responsible for e-newsletter production – that is, assembling and distributing it. But to have a great newsletter you need a lot of people contributing content – and we can help develop a motivated team of committed ambassadors who will be thinking about content all the time and submitting photos, video clips, newsy nuggets and more that will really elevate the product. Again, AI has been a game-changer and we will make sure you know how to use it smartly.

Measuring Effectiveness: We can help you understand metrics including deliverability, open rate, click-through rate, etc. We can also help you with A/B Testing, which compares two versions of an e-newsletter where you have changed one single element to see which version yielded a better conversion rate.

Newsletters have no value, so just for fun we publish our own — and enjoy a better than 80-percent open rate. Click the image to check it out or click below to see samples of the work we’ve done recently for one of our clients ….

Each WCC edition includes a ‘client spotlight’:

January (West Hartford Lock) * February (Naek Construction)